Sound Beginnings is a private, in-home speech therapy practice specializing in the evaluation and treatment of children ages 12 months to 12+ years in Midlothian/Chesterfield, VA and nearby surrounding counties.

Sound Beginnings is a private, in-home speech therapy practice specializing in the evaluation and treatment of children ages 12 months to 12+ years in Midlothian/Chesterfield, VA and nearby surrounding counties.
By filling out and submitting the following form, I authorize Sound Beginnings Speech Therapy Services to release and/or exchange information regarding my child to the listed persons. Release of this information is for the purpose of providing speech therapy services which will meet the needs of my child. This may include information regarding therapy progress, related medical, therapeutic, or educational records, or insurance information (i.e. diagnostic or therapy codes). I understand that in order to protect the confidentiality of records, my agreement to obtain or release information is necessary. This consent will be in effect throughout the duration of my child's treatment, although I may withdraw my permission at any time by providing a statement in writing.
I allow the release of my child’s information to the following persons or agencies (include professional or agency name, address, & phone/fax #'s):