Sound Beginnings is a private, in-home speech therapy practice specializing in the evaluation and treatment of children ages 12 months to 12+ years in Midlothian/Chesterfield, VA and nearby surrounding counties.

Sound Beginnings is a private, in-home speech therapy practice specializing in the evaluation and treatment of children ages 12 months to 12+ years in Midlothian/Chesterfield, VA and nearby surrounding counties.
Evaluations may involve one or multiple areas of development depending on the needs of your child and your priorities/concerns. This will typically include standardized testing, informal clinical observation, parental report, & case history information. Evaluation is used to determine specific areas of strengths and needs in regard to speech, language, cognitive, oral-motor, and/or feeding skills. A written evaluation report with recommendations will be provided after completion of all testing. If your child has recently had a speech/language evaluation, additional testing may not be necessary to begin services.
Therapy is individualized and goals are established to facilitate speech and language development based on your child’s needs. Therapy for the younger child is play-based and designed to enhance the natural progression of play and cognitive skills appropriate for your child's age. Family participation is highly encouraged and ongoing suggestions for providing opportunities for your child to practice and further develop skills outside of therapy sessions will be provided.
Services may include but are not limited to the following areas: receptive & expressive language delays/disorders, articulation & speech sound disorders, phonological/pre-literacy skills, childhood apraxia of speech, communication & autism spectrum disorders, and oral-motor/ feeding delays. Services for children 5 years and older are offered primarily for children experiencing difficulty with articulation or the production of specific speech sounds.
““When we treat children’s play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that’s to be found in the creative spirit. It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives.””